Transparency and collaboration to build zero emissions logistics

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The road to zero emissions is a rocky one for logistics. Some wonder if the sector can achieve it in practice as there are many conflicting standards and interests. Sophie Punte, Executive Director, Smart Freight Centre (SFC), spoke to The Logistics Point about the way forward for green logistics.

‘Logistics will only go to zero emissions if it is possible from a commercial perspective,’ explains Punte. She believes change can be triggered when large multinationals start demanding low carbon freight and lead by example.


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An important part of this will be having full transparency on how much emissions have been caused by each transportation leg throughout the supply chain. The second step is setting the right reduction targets and then implementing solutions that could help companies to get to their goals.

Finally, companies will need to work together and with governments to create policies that will support business leaders and improve efficacy.

What best practices should companies apply when looking for zero emissions? How could Smart Freight Centre help and more… Read the full article for free HERE!

#zeroemissions #greenlogistics #SophiePunte #bestpractices

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