The Centre for Sustainable Road Freight (SRF) is pleased to announce the 7th International Workshop on Sustainable Road Freight: an innovative online event, on 28th – 30th October 2020. Registration is now open
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The theme of this year’s workshop is ‘Decarbonising Freight Transport: Strategies for Developing Countries’. The workshop will focus on transition pathways to low carbon freight transport systems in developing countries that have complex social, political and economic circumstances as well as long distances between urban centres.
The workshop will include keynote addresses by international experts from China, India, Africa and Europe; breakout discussions; paper presentations as well as opportunities to meet online with other participants to discuss topical issues.
Keynote speakers include:
• Bermard Aritua, Senior Infrastructure Specialist, The World Bank.
• David Cebon, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Cambridge University, United Kingdom.
• Alan McKinnon, Professor of Logistics, Kühne Logistics University, Germany.
• G Raghuram, Director, Indian Institute of Management Bangalore, India.
• Boyong Wang, Strategic Partnership Director, Smart Freight Centre, China.
• Louise Naude, Programme Manager, Low Carbon Frameworks, WWF, South Africa
Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from road freight transport represents a significant global challenge with multiple technical, operational and policy aspects. Designing, testing and implementing effective interventions and policy measures needs multi-disciplinary, multi-country research, tailored to geopolitical conditions.
The Centre for Sustainable Road Freight invites academics and practitioners from all related fields to take part in a debate of these issues: to shape the research agenda and to network with key stakeholder from around the world.
Due to current circumstances the conference will be held online, presented over a period of three half days from 0800 to 1300 BST each day GMT (1000 to 1500 in South Africa; 1330 to 1830 in India and 1600 to 2100 in China) on 28, 29 and 30 October, 2020.
Further information about the workshop is available at the Centre for Sustainable Road Freight website:
Register for the event here: