Human rights in logistics are an important topic that companies are working on. The sector can have a high turnover of lower skilled and less secure roles, which are sometimes outsourced, especially within warehouse picking and packing. Although most businesses undertake stringent right-to-work checks for permanent workers, due to the urgent need for candidates that comes with peaks in activity, reliance is often placed on external recruitment agencies to complete checks for seasonal or temporary workers.
Finding what to do is not always easy and sometimes organisations might not even be sure if they should do anything. We are happy to welcome Slave-Free Alliance at our 24th May virtual event Delivering Green: Creating Sustainable Supply Chains and discuss what are the benefit of a slave free logistics, what needs to be done and how to spot problems. Register now!
Slave-Free Alliance (SFA) was started in 2018 to deliver services to the commercial sector and
support the development of activities and initiatives for businesses working towards a slave-free
organisation and supply chain. SFA works in collaboration with business to enhance and support their
wider framework around ethical trade, sustainability, compliance, corporate social responsibility and
human rights. SFA’s specialist teams develop business and supply chain solutions that mitigate the
risk of modern slavery and improve customer confidence and compliance.
SFA was set up out of Hope for Justice, a charity founded in the UK in 2008 with a mission to prevent
exploitation, rescue victims, restore lives and reform society. Hope for Justice has since grown to
become an international charity, working across 5 continents, running prevention programmes, rescue
services for victims, advocacy and aftercare to restore victims’ lives, and working with government
and business to reform the society we live in.
Elenor Smith from SFA is a professional with over 15 years’ experience in the private sector. Elenor previously worked within the Corporate Responsibility team at Aldi UK, where she was responsible for ethical trade, human rights and the modern slavery strategy, across UK & Ireland, whilst also feeding into the international modern slavery and human rights agenda and policy. Prior to this, Elenor work at George @ ASDA in various roles including ethical trade and managing supplier compliance.
Elenor is committed to driving change within businesses, in addressing modern slavery. Elenor has written modern slavery statements, managed ethical trade programmes for both food and non-food, working with suppliers for compliance in ethical due diligence requirements. Elenor is passionate about people and ensuring everyone has their human rights respected, recognises the importance of and promotes joint collaboration to tackle modern slavery and protecting human rights.