We see a lot of challenges in the last mile delivery process. There are problems due to the crowded city environment. The sustainability issues are also there as we need to reach NetZero. We also need to work on reducing overall movement in the city. In addition, there are problems around home delivery when people are not at home. We spoke to Tijn Kooijmans, Chief Technology Officer at ZippLabs, during Home Delivery Europe. You can watch the full video interview now.

Involving the consumer in solving some of these problems would be essential. For Tijn the answer can be to use different technologies that can enable a more seamless delivery. A device the company works on can notify you when a delivery is at your doorstep. You can use it to communicate with the driver if you are not at home and give them instructions.
Less Anxiety
Couriers these days are in a hurry and have a lot of parcels they need to deliver, so every minute we save is essential. If consumers can actually be notified the delivery is due just before the driver stops at their home, a lot of anxiety can be dealt with for everyone.
Such devices can be used not just by delivery companies and ZippLabs is working with all sorts of organisations in the Netherlands to expand its network. Such devices would have a true impact only when they are used by as many logistics providers as possible. This would mean that the tech cannot just be part of one organisation’s network.
Tijn points at the importance of cooperation between smaller retailers, logistics companies and large players. ‘The delivery is part of the complete consumers’ experience,’ he goes on, ‘so having a smooth delivery improves the brand perception and makes marketing easier.‘
Larger corporations can distribute smart devices to their customers and improve the overall last mile experience.
In the era of GDPR such devices need to be well protected. ‘The solution does not show any personal information,’ Tijn says. ‘The person at your front door has the option to contact you but not see any personal information.