A new sense of community was created by Covid-19 in the logistics and supply chain sector, claimed Oscar de Bok, DHL Supply Chain’s CEO, during the virtual Supply Chain Europe Conference, organised by Reuters Events. de Bok discussed the shifts in priorities and operational requirements for company’s over the last 6 months and provided an outlook on how businesses can prepare for the uncertain times ahead.
The Logistics Point October 2020
Businesses are emerging from the crisis with a new set of ideas on how to deal with disruptions and what it means to have good partners. For DHL Supply Chain the crisis brought the opportunity to evaluate what was done at earlier stages and implement all best practices as the epidemic progressed. In this way the large logistics provider was able to adhere to its standards and make fast adjustments where necessary. It also looked carefully at its operations in the countries first hit by the coronavirus and then brought what was learnt into its other markets.
This article is part of The Logistics Point Magazine. Read more HERE…
de Bok believes there are a few very important areas where logistics providers and shippers should invest, based on how Covid-19 transformed the market. Agile supply chains are needed to provide the ability to keep production moving during disruption. On the other hand, flexibility in the system will ensure that whatever happens the business is able to respond quickly and adjust its operations accordingly.
The use of data analytics is becoming a must-have for supply chain managers. “Work with partners who can provide you with end-to-end solutions,” de Bok says. Collaboration is key as it makes decision making faster and more accurate. Another important factor is how much businesses invest in their employees. “Investment in leadership skills brings results,” de Bok believes. ✷
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