How is online demand affecting procurement

News Technology

Procurement in 2021 might no longer be in fight mode but it is still going to fight mini wars on different fronts. One of them will be protective equipment where some expect it will become the standard. Derek Lee, Procurement Lead, North Asia, Singapore and SSG from Zuellig Pharma Specialty Solutions Group Pte Ltd, believes procurement organisations, especially those working in the medical sector, will be faced with the uncertainty for months to come and might find themselves having to stick to harder rules for longer than others.

The majority of categories have seen at least a 10% online growth during the pandemic. Recent events have made many consumers evaluate the way they shop and many are turning permanently to online shopping. Additionally, consumers are looking for omnichannel solutions.

Shifting operations that were previously only in the physical space is not an easy task. The way consumers behave in a store is different to the way they shop online where with a single click they dismiss anything they don’t like. How can procurement respond to the new way people shop?

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